This week, I will be a part of a 12-day giveaway extravaganza on Linny's Vault! (Check out her adorable button over in the right column on this page.) I am so excited because Lin first contacted me about a month ago because she saw my Etsy site and liked what she saw. She wanted to feature my store for one of her days of giveaways in celebration of her blog's one year anniversary. A Blog-o-versary! Of course I said yes!
I've been working hard this last month to get some new stuff up in my store and get this site up and functional. My giveaway is on Friday, June 18 (also my husband's birthday!!!), so if you are coming from Linny's Vault, welcome!
Which leads me to my creativity for the day.
I made some gift card holders. They are a card and a gift in one! (as soon as you put a gift card inside, that is!)
So I'm really excited for this coming week. What are you looking forward to?
Happy Creating!